A form of high intensity interval training, CrossFit is a strength and conditioning workout that is made up of functional movement performed at a high intensity level.

CrossFit was founded in 2001 and can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to better performance. CrossFit is so effective it may feel like magic, but in truth, it’s a formula — a formula that works. It’s the formula for everything we do, from forging elite fitness to preventing and reversing chronic disease. It’s the inputs that give us the outcomes, the results that have revolutionized an industry and changed millions of lives for the better.

CrossFit workouts are challenging but worth the effort. And your effort is measurable and you’re going to log your results with scores on our performance tracking up. This fosters accountability and courage. And because CrossFit workouts can be scaled for anyone — meaning we adjust our workouts by degree, not kind — everyone knows the challenge you’ve faced, and you're respected and welcomed for your effort no matter who you are or where you land on the whiteboard. These are key ingredients that build genuine camaraderie.


Like its grownup counterpart, CrossFit for children is a workout that combines aspects from gymnastics; weight lifting; body-weight training, such as squats and pull-ups; and endurance training, such as running, jumping and climbing ropes. Class activities can be adapted for our current age group (6-12 years) and skills of smaller participants.

CrossFit Kids "pairs fitness with fun.” Our program "emphasizes good movement throughout childhood and adolescence,"

We find ways to make fitness and movement fun for our young athletes through games and challenges.

There are many benefits for kids by attending our classes (physical, psychological and socioemotional).



Weightlifting (often known as Olympic weightlifting) is a sport in which athletes compete in lifting a barbell loaded with weight plates from the ground to overhead, with the aim of successfully lifting the heaviest weights. Athletes compete in two specific ways of lifting the barbell overhead. The snatch is a wide-grip lift, in which the weighted barbell is lifted overhead in one motion. The clean and jerk is a combination lift, in which the weight is first taken from the ground to the front of the shoulders (the clean), and then from the shoulders to over the head (the jerk).

We provide a week’s worth of Olympic Lifting programming (three days a week). Athletes attend the official class on Monday and are able to complete the rest of their programming for the week during Open Gym on Wednesday and Friday. Athletes will have access to a coach during Open Gym times to support them with their technique.